Is 4 years old too old to still have a pacifier?

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asked Jan 8, 2019 in Toddler/Preschooler by gilbertpw18 (240 points)
Is 4 years old too old to still have a pacifier?

2 Answers

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answered Jan 8, 2019 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
4 years old is not too old for a pacifier as I had my pacifier until 8 years old and then I eventually gave it up.

I stopped using the pacifier during the day when away from home at age 5 but kept using the pacifier at home until 8 years old and I was okay.

It never harmed my teeth in anyway.

Now that I'm an adult I went back to my pacifier use and suck on a pacifier every night when I sleep and during the day when I'm not at work and at home.

The pacifier helps me to relieve stress and they do make pacifiers for adults for medical reasons too so they're not just for toddlers or babies and adults can benefit from pacifier use as well.
0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2019 by linda (29,790 points)
Some Children give up pacifiers at 4 years of age but sometimes you need to force the issue and take the child's pacifier away at 4 years old before they go to school.

A child will be made fun of in Kindergarten if they go to school using the pacifier so you need to gt the pacifier away from the child or at least tell them they can only use it at night.

But then let them know that they need to eventually give the pacifier up fully by 5 years old.

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