Will you need a License for a driverless car?

0 votes
asked Jan 7, 2019 in Insurance/Registration by onedoonething323 (180 points)
Will you need a License for a driverless car?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 7, 2019 by Adf289 (58,560 points)
If you're riding in a driverless self driving car then no you won't need a drivers license to ride in the driverless car.

But I doubt that driverless cars will ever be mainstream and sold to the public anytime soon if at all because there's still a lot of things that need worked out and honestly I wouldn't want to ride in a vehicle that no one is driving.

If you're behind the wheel of the driverless car you still need a drivers license to control the car when in operation should it need controlled.

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