Why does summer time go by so fast and winter just seem to last forever?

+1 vote
asked Jun 30, 2017 in Polls/Surveys by Keyxs (180 points)
Why is it that summer time seems to just zoom on by and winter time seems to last forever and ever?

Tomorrow it will already be July 1st and then August and school will start back up after next month.

Then fall will be here in only a couple months and then that painfully long boring winter.

Why does winter last longer than summer?

I already dread the darker shorter days of winter.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2017 by Niko (18,430 points)
I wish summer lasted longer than winter too. I have no idea really why summer seems so short. I guess it's because we're having so much fun during the summer months.

I don't have school anymore thankfully. But it's hard to believe there's only 52 days until school starts back up again.

I always hated that when I was in school. I'd look forward to the summer and then couldn't believe it was almost time for school again.

The time seemed to speed up again too once the school date got even nearer. It's scary. lol

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