Can you get pregnant if a little bit of sperm goes in?

0 votes
asked Jan 2, 2019 in Pregnancy by teresaseifert (230 points)
Can you get pregnant if a little bit of sperm goes in?

2 Answers

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answered Jan 2, 2019 by kareewrantes (280 points)
Even just a little bit of sperm can get a woman pregnant if it gets into the woman's vagina.

You can also become pregnant even if your boyfriend or husband ejaculated onto their fingers and then used the finger to finger you through your vagina.

So it's possible to become pregnant without the guy even inserting his penis into the woman's vagina.

It only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg in a woman and you need very little sperm to become pregnant.
0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2019 by TeresS (520 points)

I totally agree. If both partners are completely healthy, then a small amount of sperm is enough to get pregnant. There are many articles that are devoted to how to get pregnant in different periods of menstruation

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