Feel depressed because there's nothing to do?

+1 vote
asked Jun 29, 2017 in Other- Health by 321a (180 points)
I'm feeling absolutely depressed in life because I can't find anything new or interesting to do. I feel like I've done everything there is for me to do.

I browse the internet and post of forums but even after a few hours of doing so that even gets boring.

I go outside and literally just sit around and still am bored. There's nothing really to do in this town. We don't even have a library.

I want to get out of this town so bad and move to a more interesting town but I have no money to do so.

I've tried watching Television too but even that get's boring quick and sometimes I continue to flip through channel after channel and nothing good ever seems to be on or it's a show or shows I've seen probably thousands of times.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 15, 2017 by irwn (850 points)
You don't have to move out of town just to experience new things.

Try saving up some money to go travel around to new towns. Are there any towns you can go to that's a short drive from your house that has a library and other things to do?

You don't have to travel out of state to find fun things to do away from your own town.

Are there any people in your town that might need help with there lawn care, or other projects around the house?

Maybe put up fliers and get some mowing jobs or other work that someone might need help with.

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