How much does it cost to repair a tire at Walmart?

+1 vote
asked Dec 11, 2018 in Repairs/Maintenance by beng232 (310 points)
How much does it cost to repair a tire at Walmart?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2018 by Thoysome (720 points)
Walmart claims to repair flat tires for free as long as you purchased the $10.00 road hazard warranty on the tires for each tire but if you pay $10.00 per tire then it's not really free and you pay upfront for a tire repair that you may or may not need.

When you go directly to Walmart and have them repair a flat tire then it costs the $10.00 right out of your pocket.

Other shops will charge about the same to repair a flat tire which isn't a bad cost for breaking the tire down and patching it and then putting the tire back on the rim.

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