What is bell clapper syndrome?

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asked Jan 22 in Mens Health by Krakenlacken (780 points)
What is bell clapper syndrome?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 22 by Wendell (43,370 points)
Bell clapper syndrome is a congenital condition which makes your testicles hang loosely in your scrotum and increases the risk of testicular torsion.

The cause of bell clapper syndrome include.

The gubernaculum, which normally attaches your testis to the scrotum, doesn't attach properly.

The testis lacks normal attachments to the tunica vaginalis.

The symptoms of bell clapper syndrome are the testicle moving around freely in the scrotum, testicular pain, vomiting and nausea.

Testicular torsion can occur when the testicle twists and is considered a medical emergency.

If it's not treated early testicular loss can occur.

Treatment for bell testicular torsion include.

Surgery and manual torsion that can restore the blood flow to the testicle.

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