Bacterial and viral pneumonia is contagious to other people and can spread from person to person.
However pneumonia that is caused by fungi is not contagious and cannot spread from person to person.
Bacterial and viral pneumonia can spread from person to person through talking, sneezing and coughing.
When a person has pneumonia and sneezes, talks or coughs they release the respiratory droplets into the air.
And close contacts can inhale the droplets and become infected with the viral or bacterial pneumonia.
Pneumonia can also sometimes be spread by touching a contaminated object or surface and then touching your nose or mouth.
With bacterial pneumonia you're often contagious for around 48 hours after you start the antibiotics and your fever goes away.
With viral pneumonia you're contagious as your symptoms start to go away and especially after your fever goes away.
To prevent the spread of pneumonia be sure to wash your hands with soap and water often.
Eat a healthy diet, exercise and get enough sleep.
Get vaccinated for pneumonia.
Avoid close contact with people that have pneumonia and cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.