What type of food poisoning lasts a week?

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asked Jan 25 in Other- Health by leapinglemur (1,470 points)
What type of food poisoning lasts a week?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 26 by Saramouche (7,840 points)
The type of food poisoning that lasts a week is E. Coli as well as Giardia Lamblia.

Listeria food poisoning can last from to 9 to 48 hours for digestive disease and 1 to 4 weeks for body wide Listeria disease.

Salmonella food poisoning can also last 4 to 7 days.

The signs that you have mild food poisoning are stomach cramping, abdominal cramping, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Mild food poisoning usually goes away on it's own within a few days or so but if not you should see a doctor.

In most cases the diarrhea from Mexico will clear up within a few days or so but if it continues you should see a doctor.

Having diarrhea everyday but not being sick can be a sign that you have intestinal issues such as IBS, Crohn's disease or a food intolerance.

In some cases eating certain foods that your body cannot tolerate can cause diarrhea.

Your poop can be liquid when you have a stomach bug, intestinal issues, gastrointestinal disease, irritable bowel syndrome or have eaten certain foods that cause diarrhea.

Watery diarrhea is when your colon is not able to absorb enough water and electrolytes from the poop and or when it's also secreting more than it is able to absorb.

Most cases of liquid poop or watery diarrhea will clear up on their own within a day or so but if not you should see a doctor.

It's better to let diarrhea run it's course to flush out any bacteria and toxins in the body unless the diarrhea does not stop within a few days or gets worse.

Imodium can be taken if the diarrhea needs to be stopped or if the diarrhea last longer than a few days or the diarrhea is preventing you from doing your normal activities.

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