Why do I have diarrhea after eating pork?

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asked Jan 25 in Other- Health by leapinglemur (1,470 points)
Why do I have diarrhea after eating pork?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 27 by AnnieBella (1,310 points)
The reason you have diarrhea after eating pork is because you have an intolerance to pork and your stomach and body does not agree with the pork.

Some people have intolerance's to pork and beef and other meats and others don't and can eat the foods without any diarrhea or problems.

Pork can also be hard to digest and cause gas and bloating as well.

If you constantly have diarrhea after eating pork you may want to avoid eating pork or foods with pork in them.

The symptoms of a pork intolerance are stomach cramps, bloating, nausea and sometimes diarrhea.

You may only have some of these symptoms or all of them depending on how intolerant you are to pork.

Some people are just intolerant to pork and other meats and not really allergic to it although some people are also allergic to the pork.

The symptoms of a pork allergy are stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and hives.

If you have a pork allergy you may or may not have all these symptoms but stomach cramps and often diarrhea or nausea are more common.

In rare cases having a pork allergy and eating pork can cause a serious and life threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis which requires immediate medical attention.

In severe cases of pork allergies you may also have a mild fever, wheezing or difficulty breathing and a drop in blood pressure.

Anaphylaxis which is life threatening is treated with a shot of epinephrine and you can also use an EpiPen or Auvi Q to treat the Anaphylaxis allergic reaction.

If you're allergic to pork you should avoid any pork meat or any foods that contain pork.

The allergic reaction to pork may occur within minutes after eating pork or may not occur until 2 to 6 hours after eating the pork depending on how severely allergic you are to the pork.

Some people are also just intolerant to pork or have trouble digesting the pork which is a food intolerance.

Food intolerance occurs when the digestive system reacts to the foods adversely after eating them.

You can also be intolerant to foods such as lamb, chicken and beef as well.

Pork and even beef can also cause gas and bloating and be hard to digest for some people.

Fatty foods such as pork and beef can slow down digestion or be hard to digest which can leave the foods festering in the gut and ferment and get spongy.

Fatty foods including pork and beef are also rich in the amino acid called methionine which contains sulphur and can cause gas and bloating.

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