How to stop stomach gripping?

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asked Jan 25 in Pain by leapinglemur (1,470 points)
How to stop stomach gripping?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 26 by Saramouche (7,840 points)
To stop stomach gripping you can try yoga, meditation or abdominal massages to relax your muscles.

You can also strengthen your lower abdominal muscles to help balance out the strength of your upper and lower abs.

Other things you can do to stop stomach gripping are to practice deep breathing by trying diaphragmatic breathing that involves allowing your belly to expand naturally as you inhale.

Getting on all fours can also help relax your stomach and let gravity assist you in stopping stomach gripping.

You can also stop stomach gripping by inhaling while squatting to teach your body to use your trunk muscles instead of just your abs.

It's important to stop stomach gripping because stomach gripping can lead to hourglass syndrome which is a condition that involves over tightening of your upper abdominal muscles.

Stomach gripping can also lead to neck pain, back pain and even GERD.

Other things you can do for stomach gripping are using ginger, peppermint or Chamomile tea to help soothe the digestive system.

Ginger can also help with stomach upset, vomiting and nausea.

Peppermint can help with stomach problems.

You can try drinking some peppermint tea, chewing peppermint gum or sucking on some peppermint candy.

Stomach gripping is the act of repeatedly contracting your upper abdominal muscles.

Stomach gripping can lead to imbalances in your core muscles and cause breathing problems back pain and other health issues.

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