What is best betting advice site?

+3 votes
asked Dec 8, 2018 in Other- Sports by poliq (6,100 points)

What is best betting advice site?

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 8, 2018 by fraddy (6,000 points)

When I first started to learn about sports betting I found several articles on this site very helpful. The website’s author — the German “Soccer Widow” — shares her findings, experiences, and knowledge on the betting markets with her readers. Her site is a good entry point for those seeking smart ways to earn from sports betting, and it touches on several mathematical approaches without making it too complex to understand.

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2018 by costy (6,470 points)

If it's just advice you want there are a ton. Nut you're never really going to know what suits you until you try following them and checking for yourself and as per your results. Statistics and advice otherwise is easy to come by. The same logic applies for betting systems and anything really related to sports betting because the important thing is it working for you.

For example, I use https://777score.ph/. Partially because they give me what they believe are the best picks from analysts around. No fluff or anything. And I use it for American sports betting because I don't have to actually have any knowledge about it. It's more like a do as you're told system. That works for me. Personally I prefer a no questions asked system than something I can learn how to do on my own because I don't have time for it. So advice is less important to me than winning picks.

0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2018 by Jassy123 (4,110 points)

how old are you? I do not understand people who are trying to earn money at sports betting. It is very risky and you can lose everything. If you need money, try creating your own business. Online marketing is very popular and it's a real way to earn a good income unlike sports betting. I created my online store and now my income is more than $ 6,000 a month. I did not have any skills in this area, but this young team https://www.sharptrader.com/course/financial-assets-2-shares-bonds-indexes-etfs/ revealed me all the secrets of successful online business. I advise you to seriously think about this

0 votes
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Mark Duffy (2,200 points)

I suggest you visit this website winamax.vip. I make a lot of money here https://winamax.vip . I like this site because I can easily withdraw money. This is an advantage of this site over others. I have many favorite sites where I can earn a lot of money. I've been making money this way for two years. I live in abundance and have a lot of free time. I achieved my goal.

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2019 by NeaKarlon (3,320 points)

I think the best betting site at the moment is the 1xbet betting company. Here is a link to their site https://1xbet.in. I think this is a really reliable option. In addition, there are quick payouts, a convenient interface, as well as the opportunity to win really a lot of money

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