Can you put apple cider vinegar on a cold sore?

+1 vote
asked Dec 7, 2018 in Other- Health by calvinotoyan (220 points)
Can you put apple cider vinegar on a cold sore?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 8, 2018 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Yes Apple Cider Vinegar is antibacterial and antiviral and when Apple Cider Vinegar is applied to a cold sore it will kill off the virus causing the cold sore.

All you need to do is soak a cotton ball or cotton Swab in Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it to the cold sore 3 to 4 times per day.

The cold sore should go away within a few days after applying the Apple Cider Vinegar daily to the cold sore.

Toothpaste can also get rid of cold sores because the toothpaste dries out the cold sore and causes it to fall off.

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