What disease is bubbles in the lungs?

0 votes
asked Jan 12 in Diseases Conditions by Andreysloan83 (740 points)
What disease is bubbles in the lungs?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 12 by cGilbert (3,550 points)
The disease that is bubbles in the lungs is called Pneumomediastinum.

Pneumomediastinum is air in the space between the lungs and it can occur due to an injury or other illness.

Some other causes of bubbles in the lungs are emphysema and bullous emphysema.

Emphysema is a disease that damages your alveoli or air sacs in your lungs.

And over time your alveoli break and form large air pockets which make it difficult to breathe.

Bullous emphysema is a type of emphysema that causes large air pockets called bullae to form in your lungs and can make it hard for your lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Pneumomediastinum is also called mediastinal emphysema, and the condition occurs when air builds up in the space between your lungs and around your heart.

Symptoms of pneumomediastinum include severe chest pain that can worsen when breathing or swallowing.

A doctor may feel air bubbles under the skin of the chest, arms, or neck as well.
+1 vote
answered Jan 13 by gurupatch (480 points)

Bubbles in the lungs are often associated with a condition called pulmonary emphysema, which is part of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It happens when the air sacs in the lungs are damaged, causing air to get trapped. Another possibility could be pneumothorax, where air leaks into the space between the lung and chest wall.

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