How long does it take to fully recover from a carotid endarterectomy?

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asked Jan 5 in Other- Health by Tookwabbit (580 points)
How long does it take to fully recover from a carotid endarterectomy?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 5 by fudgebudge (8,380 points)
To fully recover from a carotid endarterectomy takes around 3 weeks to 4 weeks.

The hospital stay after a carotid endarterectomy is around 48 hours although it can be as long as 3 days in some cases and possibly a day in the ICU.

You may also have some neck pain for around 2 weeks and have numbness along your jaw or near your earlobe that can last for 6 months to 12 months.

After the carotid endarterectomy you should also keep an eye on your incision and check it daily and keep the incision clean and dry and don't put any lotions on it.

You can shower or take baths as normal but don't soak the incision for the first 2 weeks.

You should also not drive until the incision has healed and can turn your head without discomfort and avoid physical activity for a few weeks including manual labor.

You don't always go to the ICU after carotid endarterectomy although it depends on your condition and health.

If you need close monitoring after the carotid endarterectomy you will go to the ICU such as if you have high blood pressure or experience any complications.

If your blood pressure, breathing and heart rate are normal then you often just go to a regular hospital room to recover and usually go home from the hospital within 48 hours.

The hospital stay for carotid endarterectomy is 1 to 2 days.

Most people that undergo carotid endarterectomy surgery go home within 48 hours after the procedure.

If you have any complications or other health issues you may need to stay a few days longer but many people go home within 48 hours or less.

Carotid endarterectomy is major surgery.

Carotid endarterectomy is a complex procedure that involves the removal of plaque also known as fatty deposits from your carotid artery.

The carotid artery supplies blood to your brain.

And the carotid endarterectomy surgery is performed under general anesthesia and you will need to stay in the hospital afterwards for a few days depending on how quickly you recover.

Carotid endarterectomy is a very safe procedure although it also carries some risks.

The 2 main risks that are associated with a carotid endarterectomy are stroke and death as a result of heart attack or the stroke.

The risk of a stroke after a carotid endarterectomy is around 2 percent and the risk of death after a carotid endarterectomy is less than 1 percent.

When having carotid endarterectomy surgery you will either be given a numbing medication or given general anesthesia that puts you to sleep.

The surgeon will then make a cut along the front of the neck and open up your carotid artery and remove the plaque deposits that are clogging the carotid artery.

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