What are the facial features of a person with Turner syndrome?

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asked Jan 2 in Other- Health by Melgoloz222 (600 points)
What are the facial features of a person with Turner syndrome?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 3 by liana (38,450 points)
The facial features of a person with Turner syndrome are skin fold at the inner corners of the eyes, sloped eyes, small jaws, low set ears and drooping eyelids also known as ptosis.

Low set ears are ears that sit low on the head and sloped eyes are where the outer corners of the eyes are lower than the inner corners.

Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder which occurs when a sperm or an egg cell has a random error which results in a missing or an altered X chromosome.

Girls with Turner syndrome don't have periods or menstrual periods.

Girls that have Turner syndrome either don't have ovaries or the ovaries are poorly formed or don't function as they should.

The ovaries are responsible for producing sex hormones estrogen and progesterone which trigger menstruation and a girls period.

The main cause of Turner syndrome is a missing or an incomplete X chromosome.

This means that a female is born with only one X chromosome instead of the two they are usually born with.

This can occur as a result of a random error during the formation of the sperm cell or the egg during conception.

The genetic error is not inherited from the parents.

Turner syndrome occurs when a female has one or both of her X chromosomes missing or partially missing.

The most common cause of death in Turner syndrome is cardiovascular disease.

Other causes of death in Turner syndrome are bicuspid aortic valve, congenital heart defects and complications like aortic dissection.

A large percentage of people with Turner syndrome also have congenital heart defects and abnormalities, which make cardiovascular issues the leading cause of death in Turner syndrome.

The life expectancy of a person with Turner syndrome is around 13 years less than the average life expectancy.

Some people with Turner syndrome have a normal life expectancy but it can sometimes shorten a persons life by 13 years.

The 5 symptoms of Turner syndrome are short stature, low hairline, webbed neck, ovarian insufficiency and congenital heart defects.

Girls that have Turner syndrome grow more slowly than others without it and can be significantly shorter than expected for their family.

In Turner syndrome the ovaries may also not develop at birth or the ovaries may gradually fail during childhood or the teen years or in young adulthood.

When this happens it can lead to infertility and absence of menstruation also called amenorrhea.

Around 50 percent of women that have Turner syndrome also have congenital heart defects like aortic coarctation, bicuspid aortic valves or faulty heart valves.

In Turner syndrome the neck may also appear short and wide or web like.

And the hairline at the back of the head will be low.

Other symptoms of Turner syndrome are hearing problems, spatial awareness issues, drooping eyelids and dry eyes, a short 4th finger or toe, small spoon shaped nails, arms that turn out slightly at the elbows, broad chest with widely spaced nipples and low set ears.

Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder which affects females and is characterized by partial or complete absence of one X chromosome.

Turner syndrome causes a variety of different medical as well as developmental problems which include failure of the ovaries, heart defects and short height.

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