What is hash slang for?

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asked Dec 31, 2024 in Words & Wordplay by ri0kio90 (640 points)
What is hash slang for?

3 Answers

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answered Jan 1 by VStompsie (2,020 points)
Hash is slang for Marijuana.

Marijuana also goes by other names which include hash, grass, weed, reefer, Mary Jane, chronic, Boom, Pot, Skunk, herb, hemp or cannabis.

Street' names for Cannabis: marijuana, dope, pot, grass, weed, head, mary jane, doobie, bud, ganja, hashish, hash, bhang.

People affected by cannabis are “high”, “stoned”, “out of it”, “whacked”, “off their face”.

Hashish, also known as hash, is a concentrated form of cannabis that has been used for centuries for its psychoactive effects.

The marijuana plant, also known as cannabis, pot, weed, Mary Jane, and ganja, has been used for medicinal, spiritual, and recreational purposes for thousands of years.
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answered Feb 3 by MarcAngely (2,020 points)
Hash is just a short way of saying hashish, which is a type of cannabis concentrate. It comes from the resin of the plant and is usually stronger than regular cannabis.
0 votes
answered Feb 3 by Margorita92 (1,900 points)
edited Feb 5 by Margorita92
Hash is just a short way of saying hashish, which is a type of cannabis concentrate. It comes from the resin of the plant and is usually stronger than regular cannabis. People use it in different ways, like smoking or adding it to food. Some say it gives a more relaxed and long-lasting effect compared to regular cannabis.

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