How are pig brains and human brains similar?

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asked Dec 27, 2024 in Science by trinatilen (680 points)
How are pig brains and human brains similar?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 29, 2024 by Quarterdime22020 (2,880 points)
Pig brains and human brains are similar in that it has a similar overall structure and comparable cortical organization, similar patterns of brain development and a similar ration of gray to white matter.

The pigs brain is also gyrencephalic which makes it very similar to a human brain.

Also pigs have a similar white to gray matter ration within the brain as compared to human brains.

A pig's brain is around 13.4 cm long and weighs around 127.92 grams.

The brain mass of a pigs brain can also vary depending on the age of the pig and the breed of the pig.

The average brain mass of an adolescent pig is around 104 grams for a mix of Berkshire, Duroc and Chester White breeds of pigs.

The average brain mass of large white pigs is around 126 grams.

For young pigs the average brain mass of a pig that weighs 200 lbs is 130 grams.

A pigs brain is smaller than the human brain.

Pigs have gained increased popularity as large animal models for human neurodegeneration.

However in reality the volume of a pigs brain is an order of magnitude smaller than the human brain, its skull is 40% thicker, and its head is about twice as big as a humans.

Pigs are also very intelligent and pigs also possess an excellent long term memory and are also very quick to learn from both positive and negative experiences.

Many studies and observations have also shown that pigs can navigate mazes, distinguish between different objects, and even play simple video games with commendable accuracy!

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