Will losing weight stop back pain?

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asked Dec 27, 2024 in Pain by Layza2i2i (1,940 points)
Will losing weight stop back pain?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 27, 2024 by Matrixowl (2,680 points)
Losing weight will stop back pain.

When you're overweight it can lead to back pain and put stress on your joints.

Losing weight reduces stress on the joints and your back so you have less pain.

Losing weight when you're overweight can also reduce the strain that is put on your back muscles, discs and ligaments.

Your posture will also improve when you lose weight and the weight loss can also help to correct an unnatural curvature of your spine.

obesity and being overweight is not only bad for your health and heart as being overweight can contribute to back pain and aggravate any other existing conditions.

When you carry extra weight it can place undue pressure on the spine and excess weight can also lead to inflammation.

Being overweight can also put stress on your heart as well which can lead to heart attacks, heart disease and strokes.

Common conditions that can mimic chronic lower back pain include sciatica, facet arthropathy, osteoporotic compression fractures, infection, tumor, trauma, and inflammatory diseases.

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