How long does it take for a patient to regain consciousness after administering glucagon injection?

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asked Dec 22, 2024 in Other- Health by Sandrabaker7152 (800 points)
How long does it take for a patient to regain consciousness after administering glucagon injection?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 26, 2024 by Blassinggill (1,880 points)
After administering glucagon injection it takes around 15 minutes or less for a patient to regain consciousness.

If a patient hasn't regained consciousness within 15 minutes another dose of glucagon should be given.

You should also get the person to a hospital as soon as possible because it can be harmful for the person to be unconscious too long.

Once injected the glucagon pen raises blood sugar levels by as much as 50 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl in 30 minutes.

Glucagon works by causing your liver to release the stored sugar into your blood to raise your blood sugar levels.

The medication glucagon is in a class of medications called glycogenolytic agents.

Glucagon is also used in diagnostic testing of your stomach and other digestive organs.

The blood sugar level that you should use glucagon is when your blood sugar drops below 55 mg/dL.

Glucagon is used to treat severe low blood pressure also called hypoglycemia.

Glucagon raises your blood glucose levels quickly so it's the best way to treat severe hypoglycemia.

If someone or yourself is unable to unwilling to eat or drink carbohydrates or are unresponsive, having a seizure or in a coma you should use glucagon.

Glucagon is given in emergencies when someone who has insulin dependent diabetes develops very low and dangerously low blood sugar levels and passes out or is about to pass out.

The point at which low blood sugar is fatal is when the blood sugar level is less than 54 mg/dL or below 40 mg/dL

When your blood sugar drops this low it can lead to you feeling confused, passing out, having a seizure or even death or a coma.

Blood sugar levels that are below 55 mg/dL is considered dangerously low and if the blood sugar level gets even lower then it is even more dangerous and can become life threatening.

The most common cause of low blood sugar is not consuming enough carbs for how much insulin you take.

Also the timing of when you take the insulin and the amount and timing of physical activity as well as drinking alcohol can lead to low blood sugar.

Diseases that cause low blood sugar levels are kidney disease, kidney disorders, heart disease, advanced heart disease, severe infections, cirrhosis, severe hepatitis, and liver disease and liver illnesses.

Kidney disorders can keep the body from properly excreting medications that can affect your glucose levels because of a buildup of medications that lower blood sugar levels.

Causes of low blood sugar without diabetes include medical conditions with the adrenal glands or heart, pancreas, problems with hormone levels, kidney problems, liver problems, gastric bypass weight loss surgery, complications of pregnancy, malnutrition and not eating enough or fasting.
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answered Dec 28, 2024 by kkkloik (3,640 points)
Depends on the person and how low their blood sugar was.  I've seen it happen pretty quickly, within minutes, but sometimes it takes a bit longer.  Best to keep a close eye on them and call for help if they don't come around.

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