What color is your poop when your liver is detoxing?

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asked Dec 22, 2024 in Other- Health by Bachert002 (1,060 points)
What color is your poop when your liver is detoxing?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 23, 2024 by Divinelite (6,960 points)
The color of your poop when your liver is detoxing should be brown in color and firm which indicates that your liver is producing more vile.

Bile salts are produced by your liver and are what gives your poop it's brown color.

If your liver is not producing bile like it normally should or if the flow of the bile becomes blocked then your poop may turn a pale color or clay color.

Detoxing your liver takes on average of 2 to 3 weeks once you begin the detox of the liver and follow through with it.

You can detox your liver by drinking green tea, drinking more water, eating garlic, vegetables, nuts, taking Turmeric, exercising, drinking coffee, detox tea, drinking raw vegetable juice, eating berries, eating potassium rich foods and taking liver support supplements.

The best drink to detox your liver is Ginger Tea and Lemon Water.

Other drinks that help to detox your liver are beetroot juice, oat tea, coffee, cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar and grapefruit juice.

You can reduce inflammation in your liver fast by eating fatty fish and taking fish oil supplements that can help reduce inflammation in the liver and fatty liver disease.

Fatty fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are the good fats which reduce inflammation.

The warning signs of a diseased liver are jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), abdominal pain and swelling, swelling in the legs and ankles, itchy skin, dark colored urine, pale colored poop, chronic fatigue and nausea and vomiting.

The signs and symptoms of end stage liver disease are.

Easy bleeding or bruising.
Persistent or recurring yellowing of your skin and eyes (jaundice)
Intense itching.
Abdominal pain.
Loss of appetite.
Swelling due to fluid buildup in your abdomen and legs.
Problems with concentration and memory.

People with compensated cirrhosis have a median survival that may extend beyond 12 years.

People with decompensated cirrhosis have a worse prognosis than do those with compensated cirrhosis; the average survival without transplantation is approximately two years.

The 10 signs of liver damage are.

Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
Abdominal pain and swelling.
Swelling in the legs and ankles.
Itchy skin.
Dark urine color.
Pale stool color.
Chronic fatigue.
Nausea or vomiting.
Mental Confusion, flapping hand tremor.
Bad breath from liver disease.

Also you may experience.

Bloating and nausea and loss of appetite.

The first signs of a bad liver and early signs of liver problems are.

Skin and eyes which appear yellowish (jaundice)
Abdominal pain and swelling.
Swelling in the legs and ankles.
Itchy skin.
Dark urine color.
Pale stool color.
Chronic fatigue.
Nausea or vomiting.

The part of the body that itches when you have liver problems are the limbs, the soles of your feet, or the palms of your hands.

In some cases you may itch all over your body when you have liver problems.

Liver damage can sometimes be reversed if the liver is not severely damaged.

Minor liver damage that begins such as from alcohol consumption can sometimes be reversed.

But severe liver damage cannot be reversed and the only cure for severe liver damage is to have a liver transplant.

When you have liver disease your nails will usually be mostly white in color or have darker rims.

With liver disease your nails such as your fingernails may also look like Jaundice color.

Your liver can and does affect your nails.

When you have liver problems your nails color may change which can be an indicator of liver disease.

If the nails are mostly white with darker rims, this can indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis.

If your nails have a Jaundice look to them that can also be a sign and indicator of liver disease.

Brushing your nails does make them stronger.

For best results, brush your nails two to three times per week.

However, should you wish to do it more that's okay as well, so long as you don't irritate the cuticle or brush too harshly.

Regular nail grooming can also help boost the strength of your nails, encouraging growth and reducing breakage.

Some ways to keep your nails well-maintained include: keeping your nails dry and clean, which keeps bacteria from growing beneath them.

To keep your nails clean and healthy brush your nails often and clean underneath the nails as well as on top of the nails.

Also clip and cut your fingernails to keep them from growing too long.

If you do not cut your nails regularly they can grow too long and easily get damaged and broken and you may actually rip or tear a nail off during injury.

Because of their length, longer fingernails can harbor more dirt and bacteria than short nails, thus potentially contributing to the spread of infection.

To help prevent the spread of germs and nail infections: Keep nails short and trim them often.

A nail whether fingernail or toenail will grow back if removed or ripped off etc due to injury.

Nails such as fingernails and toenails do have the ability to grow back but it will take a few months to even 6 months or so before the fingernail or toenail grows back fully.

Fingernails can regrow entirely in three to six months.

Fingers or toes that have sustained injuries that affect the nail bed and the matrix grow more slowly than unaffected nails for about three months.

After a nail separates from the nail bed for whatever reason, it will not reattach.

A new nail will have to grow back in its place.

Nails grow back slowly.

It takes about 6 months for a fingernail and up to 18 months for a toenail to grow back.

If you rip a nail off you should do the following.

Cover the nail with tape or an adhesive bandage until the nail has grown out enough to protect the finger or toe.
If you trim off the detached nail, you will have less worry about the nail catching and tearing.

What are the stages of nail regrowth?

Nails grow from underneath your skin at the matrix, which is the root of your nail.

New cells form in the matrix.

And as these new cells grow, older cells move up and push through your skin.

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