Does Vaseline help with blackheads?

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asked Dec 17, 2024 in Body/Skin by Grabowsky (940 points)
Does Vaseline help with blackheads?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 19, 2024 by Dandollise (6,060 points)
Vaseline does not help with blackheads or pimples or dark spots as Vaseline does not contain any ingredients that can remove the blackheads, dark spots or pimples.

Using Vaseline can clog the pores and make blackheads worse.

Things you can do and use to remove blackheads include.

Salicylic acid.
Skin brush.
Topical retinoids.
Clay mask.
Charcoal mask.
Chemical peel.

Vaseline cannot remove pimples and also cannot remove dark spots as it does not contain any ingredients which can lighten or remove dark spots or remove pimples.

Vaseline is good for moisturizing and protecting the skin though.

Some things you can use to remove dark spots and pimples are Papaya, Turmeric, Aloe Vera Gel, Tomatoes or Almond Oil.

Papaya works as a natural exfoliant to remove dark spots and pimples and improve dry skin by removing the top layers of the skin cells and promote production of new skin cells.

Vaseline does not darken the skin or lighten your skin as Vaseline is just petroleum jelly and can only protect the skin and moisturize the skin.

The Vaseline does not contain any additional ingredients which change your skin pigmentation or skin tone.

Vaseline is good for your face at night and even for the day.

The Vaseline applied to your face at night before bed will help protect and hydrate your skin and face while you sleep.

Vaseline is safe and very effective to use on your face and other areas of the body.

Vaseline can help to lock in moisture on your face and other parts of your skin and keep the skin moist and prevent dry skin.

The Vaseline which is petroleum jelly traps in moisture on the skin and makes the Vaseline a very effective treatment for dry and flaky skin.

Vaseline also creates a barrier to the skin which can shield your skin from wind, sun, allergens and other skin irritants.

You an also use Vaseline for removing makeup, including eye makeup.

However some people are allergic to Vaseline so you should test the Vaseline on a small area of your skin before you apply it to other areas of the skin.

Vaseline is also greasy and if used too much can clog pores and so you should apply a thin layer of Vaseline and use the Vaseline sparingly.

If you have broken or infected skin it's not recommended to use Vaseline.

Vaseline and petroleum jelly has several uses, which include wound healing and skin hydration and can be used as an occlusive skin moisturizer which means that the Vaseline seals moisture into your skin.

You can also use Vaseline on your lips to seal in moisture and protect the lips from becoming chapped.

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