There's no age that bones completely stop regenerating.
Human bones continue to regenerate throughout life although as you get older the rate of bone regeneration slows and changes.
Until age 25 your bone density increases as more new bone is added than is removed.
Between ages 25 to 50 years of age your bone density stays stable as bone formation and bone breakdown are equal.
After age 50 your bone breakdown outpaces bone formation and bone loss also accelerates.
After age 40 less bone is naturally replaced and your bones become more susceptible to breaking and not healing properly.
Human bones also stop growing in length between the ages of 16 and 18 years of age.
However the total amount of bone tissue that you have, which is your bone density will continue to increase slowly until you're in your late 20s.
Human bones reach their peak density by around age 30 years old and then the bones become less dense.
Your bones are considered old much earlier than the rest of your body.
And by age 40 our bones are already at a higher and greater risk of breaking and not healing properly.