What is the antonym of hermaphrodite?

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asked Jan 2 in Words & Wordplay by over7years (1,100 points)
What is the antonym of hermaphrodite?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 2 by Chambliss (51,900 points)
The antonym of hermaphrodite is gonochoric which is the opposite meaning of hermaphroditic.

Hermaphrodite is a type of organism that has both female and male reproductive organs, tissues, or structures.

The term hermaphrodite can also apply to plants like flowering plants and animals like leeches, some mollusks and earthworms.

The hermaphroditic organisms are able to reproduce sexually and in many cases either partner can also act as a male or female.

Intersex is an biological condition of a variety of individuals born with the karyotype and phenotype that do not fit typical male nor female.

Whereas, hermaphrodite is also a specific type of intersex condition in which there is a disparity of both male and female reproductive organs that are commonly known as chimerism.

Most hermaphroditic species exhibit some degree of self-fertilization.

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