What is queer theory?

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asked Jan 2 in Words & Wordplay by over7years (1,100 points)
What is queer theory?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 2 by Chambliss (51,900 points)
The queer theory is a critical academic field which challenges and also examines the societal norms that are around sexuality and gender.

The queer theory deconstructs the idea that heterosexuality is the normal state and instead views sexuality and gender as fluid and socially constructed instead of fixed identities.

It also aims to expose the power structures which maintain the norms and gives a voice to those people who do not fit neatly into traditional categories.

Cis queer is a term that is used to describe a person who is cisgender and who identifies as queer.

Cisgender is a term that refers to someone that identifies with the sex they were assigned to at birth and queer reflects an openness to a variety of gender identities in romantic and sexual partners.

Cishet is an informal term which describes a person who is both heterosexual as well as cisgender.

A heterosexual is someone who is emotionally, romantically, and or sexually attracted to people that are of the opposite sex.

Cisgender is someone that identifies with the gender that they are assigned to at birth.

However Cishet people are not automatically part of the queer or LGBTQ+ community.

Although Cishet people may identify as allies.

Some people also say that being cishet is an identity with privilege because it is the gender identity and sexuality that is expected and assumed in society.

Although other people say that there's no one way to experience being a cishet and that it's actually more of a label or an identity marker.

And some people view being called cishet as an insult to them.

Being straight means that you have sexual or romantic attraction to the opposite sex and cisgender means that you identify with your assigned birth.

It's when you're both straight and cisgender that you're called cishet.

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