What is a demiboy?

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asked Dec 29, 2024 in Words & Wordplay by over7years (1,100 points)
What is a demiboy?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 30, 2024 by hemisphere (6,170 points)
A demiboy is a gender identity that is within the non binary spectrum where a person partially identifies as being male.

When someone is a demiboy is basically means that the person feels a connection to masculinity but not fully.

The person identifying as a demiboy may also identify with other genders or no gender at all.

Essentially the person may only partly identify as a boy or man, regardless of the persons assigned sex at bight.

A demiboy feels a partial connection to the male gender but not a full or complete connection.

Like a demigirl, a demiboy may identify this way regardless of their assigned gender.

A demigirl and demiboy fall under the trans umbrella.

Basically demiboy is a gender that is partially male, and partially another gender or genders.

Partially male, and partially nothing or non binary is also defined as a non binary.

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