What are the side effects of Rezdiffra for fatty liver?

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asked Dec 29, 2024 in Other- Health by over7years (1,100 points)
What are the side effects of Rezdiffra for fatty liver?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 29, 2024 by hemisphere (6,170 points)
The side effects of Rezdiffra for a fatty liver are itchiness, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, constipation, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The best time of day to take Rezdiffra is in the morning right after you wake up.

Or you could take Rezdiffra in the mid afternoon or right after dinner.

Rezdiffra is administered orally through taking a tablet once daily with or without food.

The recommended dosage of Rezdiffra is between 80 mg to 100 mg once daily.

Once you take Rezdiffra the drug Rezdiffra starts working right away after you take your first dose.

However it may take 3 to 4 weeks for Rezdiffra to fully begin working and your doctor will do tests to monitor how well the Rezdiffra is working.

You can order Rezdiffra through a specialty pharmacy that is in Madrigal's distribution network or through the Madrigal Patient Support Program.

Specialty pharmacies stock medications and treatments that are not often found or stocked at a local retail pharmacy.

The cost of Rezdiffra for is $4,169.00 for a supply of 30 tablets.

If you have health insurance you may not pay anything or as little as $10.00 copay depending on your health insurance.

If you have a copay savings card you may also only have to pay as little as $10.00 a month for Rezdiffra.

There is no generic versions for Rezdiffra and can only be bought through prescription under Rezdiffra brand name.

Rezdiffra can be taken with or without food once daily.

The drug Rezdiffra is used for treating a liver disease called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in people that have scarring in their liver that is also called fibrosis.

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is referred to now as metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis or MASH.

Rezdiffra is a drug made by Madrigal Pharmaceuticals.

Rezdiffra is a daily pill which activates a thyroid hormone receptor and reduces liver fat accumulation.

The drug Rezdiffra begins working right after you take your first dose of Rezdiffra.

When taking Rezdiffra your doctor will also perform tests such as liver scans to help monitor how well the drug Rezdiffra is working for you.

The best time to take Rezdiffra is right when you wake up or in the mid afternoon or right after you eat dinner.

The drug Rezdiffra comes in an oral tablet form that you swallow.

You can take Rezdiffra with or without food.
0 votes
answered Jan 3 by jefferson (3,510 points)

  • itchiness

  • nausea 

  • vomiting

  • dizziness 

  • constipation

  • abdominal pain

  • diarrhea

Always use this medicine with the help of doctor advices. Consuming too much drugs will causes several side effects in the body.

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