You cannot throw away mail that isn't yours if it was delivered to your address.
Any mail that was improperly delivered to your address when it was meant for another address must be returned to the post office.
The post office will then get the mail delivered to the correct address.
If you do get mail that is not yours, you can take the mail to the post office and hand it to the postal worker and let them know it was not your mail.
Or you can also write on package or envelope, "Return to Sender" and place it in the mailbox to be sent out.
Don't open any mail that is not yours.
Write "Return to Sender" on the envelope or package and cross out any barcodes so the package or mail does not get caught in a loop.
Check for any previous resident information.
If the mail is going to an address on your street then you could go up to the address and knock on the door and hand them the mail.