How long is the Lost Valley hike?

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asked Dec 11, 2024 in Outdoor Recreation by Dislike223 (1,460 points)
How long is the Lost Valley hike?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 12, 2024 by Abewbew (5,500 points)
The Lost Valley hike is around 2.3 miles long and takes around 2 hours to complete.

The Lost Valley trail is an out and back trail located near Ponca, Arkansas.

The waterfalls in Lost Valley run best after a rain, but even in drier summer months the trail is pretty and merits the 2 hours it takes to complete the hike.

The most famous hiking trail in the US is the Appalachian Trail which spans 2,200 miles long and stretches as far as Georgia to Maine.

The Appalachian Hiking Trail passes through 14 different states and crosses several roads as well as towns and the trail is marked with white blazes and has over 250 sleeping shelters.

The Appalachian Hiking Trail is user friendly and not as complicated to plan as other long distance hiking trails.

Although the northernmost stretch, which is the Hundred Mile Wilderness in Maine is the most challenging logistically.

The Appalachian Hiking Trail is a cultural journey as well as a scenic journey and is one of the Big Three National Scenic Trails which also make up the Triple Crown.

The other two hiking trails are the Continental Divide Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail.

The longest hiking only trail in the US is the Appalachian National Scenic Trail which is also known as the A.T. or Appalachian Trail.

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail measures around 2,190 miles in length and distances and is the only longest hiking footpath in the world.

The other longest trail to hike in the United States is the American Discovery Trail.

The American Discovery Trail crosses through 15 states coast to coast and has a 6,800 mile route.

The American Discovery Trail boasts the longest hiking distance of any trail in the United States.

The American Discovery Trail also has 16 national forests and 14 national parks and stretches 6,800 miles from the Delaware coast to the Pacific Coast.

You can hike, bike and even ride horses on most of the American discovery trail.

Walking or hiking the American discovery trail would take at least 390 days just to cover 5,000 miles of the trail.

To walk or hike the American discovery trail would take around 450 to 500 days depending on how fast you hike or walk.

A lady named Briana DeSanctis, 40 years old set out on January 1st 2022 on the American Discovery Trail and traversed and hiked more than 6,800 miles across the nation and completed her Trek in Feb of 2024 on California's Pacific Coast.

The American Discovery trail starts out and stretches from Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware, to Pt. Reyes National Seashore, California.

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