How can I change the spelling of my name in our marriage certificate in India?

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asked Nov 28, 2024 in Employment & Careers by Alicewi (620 points)

Changing the spelling of your name in a marriage certificate issued in India involves a specific procedure to ensure the correction is legally recognized. Follow these steps for a smooth process:

Step 1. Prepare an Application: Write a formal application addressed to the authority that issued your marriage certificate, such as the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), District Magistrate (DM), or Municipal Corporation (MC). Clearly state the incorrect spelling and provide the correct one.

Step 2. Provide Supporting Documents: Attach identity proof documents, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, or voter ID, that display the correct spelling of your name. Include a copy of the marriage certificate for reference.

Step 3. Submit an Affidavit: Draft a notarized affidavit mentioning the name correction and affirming its accuracy. This step legally supports your request.

Step 4. Publication in Gazette (if needed): For significant spelling changes, publish the correction in the official gazette and include the publication notice with your application.

Step 5. Verification by Authorities: The concerned authority will review your application and documents for authenticity.

Once the verification process is complete, a revised marriage certificate reflecting the corrected spelling will be issued. This updated certificate serves as a legal record of the change.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 28, 2024 by Gregorysharp (27,080 points)
To change the spelling of your name in your marriage certificate in India you will need to submit a written application with a copy of your marriage certificate and address proof to the Gazette department for a name change after marriage.

And then you'll need to send supporting documents by registered post to the relevant department for verification.

You can also visit the official website of the respective state government where you intend to update your marriage certificate.

Look for the online application link on the homepage.

Provide essential information, including your name, father's name, mother's name, date of birth, gender, and religion.

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