What are the worst puns ever written?

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asked Nov 30, 2018 in Jokes & Riddles by michaelwalden (240 points)

1 Answer

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answered Nov 30, 2018 by ralphadross (140 points)

Here are some of the worst puns ever

• If at all apple starts to build cars will it have windows?

• Change all your passwords to incorrect. So when you type something wrong, it actually tells that your password incorrect.

• If four out of five people suffer from a headache, does it mean that the one remaining is enjoying?

• They say UNIX is user-friendly. But the issue is very particular when selecting its users.

• Caps lock – The simplest and easy way to prevent logins.

• What do you call a fish without an eye? Its Fsh

• Failure is not an option. It comes along with every Microsoft product.

Visit welovepuns.com for more information about puns.

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