The 9 month baby crisis is a period when a baby who previously was sleeping really well, suddenly starts to have trouble sleeping.
During the 9 month baby crisis which is also called the 9 month sleep regression the baby will wake up frequently at night, have trouble falling asleep, be more fussy, cranky or clingy, cry excessively and resist naps or take shorter naps.
The baby's 9 month crisis or sleep regression is often associated with the leap like learning to crawl or pull up.
Other factors can also lead to the 9 month sleep regression in babies which include separation anxiety and teething.
When left in their crib alone babies can become distressed and having sore gums during teething can make it hard for the baby to sleep.
The 9 month sleep regression or 9 month baby crisis often occurs between the baby's 8th and 10th month of age.
The 9 month leap is the developmental period around the baby's 9 months of age.
During the 9 month leap the baby will experience a significant cognitive jump, which is often marked by sleep disruptions, increased fussiness and even clinginess.
The baby is learning new skills during the 9 month leap such as pulling themselves up to stand, crawling and even developing a stronger understanding of object permanence.
This is also often associated with leap 6 which is the wonder weeks developmental stages.
Around 9 months of age, babies will through wonder weeks leak number 6 which is a big leap.
During the wonder weeks leap number 6 babies often begin attempting new things and can also recognize that certain animals, sensations and objects as well as people belong together in groups or categories.
Common milestones at 9 months of age include.
Crawling, scooting, rocking back and forth, or pulling themselves to a standing position.
Your baby might also be able to cruise, which is when they stand upright and move around while holding onto furniture.
The baby can understand object constancy, which is the idea that objects continue to exist even when they can't be seen.
And your baby can also respond to simple commands, understand the meaning of "no", and imitate speech sounds.
The baby might be afraid of being left alone or show shyness or fear of strangers.
They may also enjoy interactive games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.
The baby might babble, make noises to get your attention, and copy sounds.
The baby might also respond to their name and wave goodbye.
The baby might be able to eat finger foods and learn to drink from a cup.
The baby might sleep for around 14 hours over 24 hours, with 11–12 hours at night and 2–3 hours during the day.
The baby might start teething, usually with the two center front teeth in the lower jaw, then the upper jaw.