Can my 2 year old drink evaporated milk?

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asked Nov 21, 2024 in Toddler/Preschooler by Callender (1,560 points)
Can my 2 year old drink evaporated milk?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 21, 2024 by layla (84,650 points)
Your 2 year old can drink evaporated milk as long as you dilute it with some water so it's not too thick.

The evaporated milk is healthy and will benefit your 2 year olds health when consumed.

To mix evaporated milk to drink pour in around a few inches of evaporated milk into a cup or glass and then add water and stir.

You can add more or less evaporated milk to the cup or glass of water to make it to your liking.

You can also drink the evaporated milk as is and it is enjoyable for many people including myself.

Evaporated milk is regular milk that has been through a process to evaporate and remove the water content to make it thicker and creamier.

It is safe to drink evaporated milk straight from the can as evaporated milk is just milk that has had the water content removed.

The evaporated milk straight from the can will be thicker and creamier than normal milk but it's safe to drink and I love to drink it myself sometimes.

Evaporated milk is commonly used in cooking although you can also use it like regular milk by diluting it with some water and stirring it in a glass or cup.

Then you can add the evaporated milk to cereal or even drink it like you would regular milk.

You can also drink the undiluted evaporated milk as well.

Evaporated milk can be consumed without diluting but when using it as regular milk such as in cereals or recipes that call for milk you should dilute it.

Evaporated milk does need to be diluted when using it like fresh milk in recipes or when you're drinking it as regular milk.

However some recipes can be made with undiluted evaporated milk and you can also drink the undiluted evaporated milk if you prefer.

And if a recipe calls for evaporated milk and not regular milk then the evaporated milk should be used in the recipe undiluted.

You can drink evaporated milk by itself.

Evaporated milk is commonly used in cooking although if you want to add some water to the evaporated milk and drink it you can do so.

You can also use evaporated milk in cereal or any other way you use normal milk.

You can also drink the evaporated milk straight from can without adding water or diluting it.

I sometimes will open a can of evaporated milk and just drink it straight from the can as I love and enjoy the creamy taste.

I actually prefer the evaporated milk in it's thick creamy form over the diluted version of it after adding water.

It's very tasty when it's creamy and to me actually tastes even better than regular milk in a jug.

When I used it for cereal I dilute it but sometimes I'll pour some straight evaporated milk into a coffee cup and drink it that way.

I also will use evaporated milk in coffee as coffee creamer which is also very tasty.

Evaporated milk is just regular milk that goes through an evaporation process to remove the water content from it which thickens the milk and helps it last longer by canning it.

Evaporated milk helps to give body to smoothies, thickens up and sweetens coffee, and adds nuance and richness to creamy soups and chowders, not to mention savory sauces and even oatmeal.

You can also use evaporated milk in place of sweetened condensed milk in plenty of desserts.

Evaporated milk tastes like milk but is thicker and has a slightly sweet, caramelized flavor.

Condensed milk has a rich, sweet, milky, caramelized flavor and a syrupy consistency.

Evaporated milk is also thicker and creamier than regular milk, and has a similar viscosity to half-and-half.

Good quality condensed milk has a smooth, homogenous texture.

Condensed milk can be used in lattes, iced coffee, pastries, toast, croissants, oatmeal, pies, puddings, cakes, cookies, and candies.

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