How much is a 5 gallon jug full of pennies?

+1 vote
asked Nov 28, 2018 in Mathematics by tigger89 (270 points)
How much is a 5 gallon jug full of pennies?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2018 by 590grock (280 points)
There's no way to give an exact answer as it depends on the jug itself and it's dimensions however you should be able to fit around 38,000 pennies into a 5 gallon jug or 5 gallon bucket.

To get the amount of dollars that 38,000 pennies would be we would be you would go by the figure that 1,000 pennies would equal $10.00 so to figure out how much money would be in 38,000 pennies you would take $10.00 x 38 which is $380.00

So in a 5 gallon jug or 5 gallon bucket you'd have around $380.00 to $400.00 in pennies.

Remember that there are 100 pennies to every dollar.

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