4 years and 7 month old boy wearing Huggies diapers picture

+1 vote
asked Nov 2 in Diaper Videos by 13yolddiaperboy (2,250 points)

4 years and 7 month old boy wearing Huggies diapers picture.

4 year 7 month old boy wearing Huggies diapers

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 2 by diamdiaper (2,330 points)
That boy looks great in his Huggies diapers and he's filling his belly up so his bladder will also get full and then he will be peeing soon.

I would love to change his diaper when he gets done filling it up.

That's a perfect age for diapers and diapers are better than regular underwear anyway.

Potty training should be optional and if it were my kid I would keep him in diapers and never potty train him.

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