How many pennies does it take to make $60,000.00?

+1 vote
asked Nov 28, 2018 in Mathematics by nicholaabie (440 points)
How many pennies does it take to make $60,000.00?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2018 by Rineyu8 (250 points)
For every $10,000.00 there are 1 million pennies so to find out how many pennies it would take to make $60,000.00 you take $10,000.00 and times that by 6 since $10,000.00 times 6 is $60,000.00

So since 1 million pennies equals $10,000.00 and 10 x 6 is 60 that would mean that you would need 6 million pennies to equal $60,000.00

So in short the answer to the question is there are 6 million pennies in $60,000.00

When figuring out how many pennies it takes to make a certain amount of dollars you would figure that 100 pennies equals 1 dollar and then you multiply that amount by the amount of dollars you want to figure out.

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