What are the symptoms of a torn abdominal muscle?

+1 vote
asked Nov 7 in Other- Health by comicalopion (830 points)
What are the symptoms of a torn abdominal muscle?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 7 by BEngle (2,470 points)
The symptoms of a torn abdominal muscle include.

A sudden, sharp pain in your abdomen which can be felt in a specific location.

The pain with a torn abdominal muscle can get worse with activities like bending, laughing, coughing etc.

The affected area with the torn abdominal muscle may also be visibly bruised or swollen.

The area may also be tender to the touch and muscle spasms may also occur in the stomach area with a torn abdominal muscle.

Your muscles may also feel stiff and unable to stretch and the abdominal muscles may also feel weak.

A torn abdominal muscle is also known as an abdominal muscle strain or pulled stomach muscle.

Torn abdominal muscles occur when your abdominal muscles stretch or are torn which can occur due to sudden movements, intense exercise, heavy lifting, coughing or even sneezing.

A torn abdominal muscle, abdominal muscle strain, or pulled stomach muscle, will get better with time, rest and the appropriate treatments.

However when you have a torn abdominal muscle it's also very important to take steps to strengthen your abdominal and core muscles to prevent straining the muscle again or pulling a different stomach muscle.

The speed of recovery from a torn abdominal muscle will depend on its severity.

A mildly torn abdominal muscle can heal in a few weeks, while a more serious torn abdominal muscle can take 4 to 6 weeks to heal .

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