What is the lawsuit against Tepezza?

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asked Oct 30, 2024 in Eye Health by Lorenne (720 points)
What is the lawsuit against Tepezza?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 30, 2024 by Hazel1961 (8,400 points)
The lawsuit against Tepezza is a lawsuit that alleges that the company Horizon Therapeutics who makes Tepezza failed to warn patients and doctors about the potential risk of hearing loss from Tepezza.

The lawsuit against Tepezza also claims that Horizon Therapeutics did not adequately test Tepezza to ensure it's safety, misled patients and doctors about the risks of hearing loss and also downplayed the risk of irreversible hearing loss from Tepezza.

The cost of a Tepezza infusion is $17,929.00 which comes in a supply of 1 500 mg powder per injection.

Tepezza is a prescription medication that is used for treating thyroid eye disease in adults.

The drug Tepezza reduces eye bulging and double vision and improves other symptoms of thyroid eye disease including swelling, redness and eye pain.

Tepezza is given and administered through an IV by inserting a needle into your arm where Tepezza is then enters your body as an infusion.

The drug Tepezza is given as 1 infusion every 3 weeks with a total of 8 infusions of Tepezza.

Side effects of Tepezza include dry skin, headache, taste changes, hearing problems, high blood sugar, feeling tired, diarrhea, hair loss, nausea, muscle spasms and muscle cramps.

Also if you have inflammatory bowel disease the drug Tepezza can make the inflammatory bowel disease worse.

And if you have diabetes or use insulin, the drug Tepezza can increase your blood sugar levels.

You may be a good candidate for Tepezza if.

You have active thyroid eye disease (TED).
Your clinical activity score (CAS) is greater than 4.
You are experiencing symptoms such as inflammation, proptosis, or double vision.
You do not have inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's or ulcerative colitis).

The cost for Tepezza trbw 500 mg intravenous powder for injection is around $17,929.00 for a supply of 1 powder for injection, depending on the pharmacy you visit.

Tepezza is most often covered by insurance.

However specialty medicines like TEPEZZA require additional approval from your insurance provider before you can begin treatment.

The approval process for insurance to cover Tepezza can take up to 90 days from the time your doctor prescribes TEPEZZA until you get your first infusion.

Each infusion of Tepezza is given once every 3 weeks which means your treatment with TEPEZZA will take about 5 months.

After you start to see results with TEPEZZA, it may be tempting to stop treatment.

But for the best results, it's recommended that you receive all 8 infusions of Tepezza as prescribed by your doctor.

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