Ocrevus can and does cause teeth problems when used long term.
Long term use of Ocrevus can cause dental problems and teeth problems which includes Gingival recession as well as possible tooth loss, dental pain, caries, brittle teeth, dental fractures, periodontitis and dental abscesses.
Not everyone taking Ocrevus will experience dental or teeth problems but it's possible.
Ocrevus is not a chemo drug but instead Ocrevus is an immunosuppressant drug.
Immunosuppressant drugs like Ocrevus work by lessening the activity of your immune system.
Chemotherapy drugs work by destroying cells that grow much more rapidly than healthy cells like cancer cells.
The drug Ocrevus belongs to a class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies.
Ocrevus works in the body by decreasing the activity of your immune system and stopping it from attacking your body.
Taking Ocrevus may increase your risk for cancer, including breast cancer.
People who took Ocrevus in clinical trials had a higher rate of cancer development than people who took a placebo or a similar drug.
(A placebo is a treatment with no active drug.)
When taking Ocrevus you should avoid being being near people who are sick or have infections while you are using the Ocrevus.
Also when taking Ocrevus you should wash your hands often.
And you should also tell your doctor if you have ever had an infection that would not go away or an infection that kept coming back.
Taking Ocrevus can also increase your risk of infections, including infections of your nose, throat, airways, lungs, and skin.
The drug Ocrevus can also increase your risk of herpes infection.
You should call your doctor right away if you have an infection or any of the following symptoms which include Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation.