Which tire doesn't move when the car turns right?

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asked Oct 24, 2024 in Other-Cars/Transportation by Brigadune (1,250 points)
Which tire doesn't move when the car turns right?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 1, 2024 by NellieTapia (2,250 points)
The tire that doesn't move when the car turns right is the rear right tire.

The tire that doesn't move when the car turns left is the rear left tire.

When you turn the car right the rear right tire doesn't move like the rear left tire and front tires move.

However in reality the rear right tire does move some and when you take off from the turn it begins turning more.

All of the vehicles tires are moving even slightly when turning but the rear right tire doesn't move as much as the other tires when turning right.

All tires move, or the car cannot turn because it is not going forward.

However the right rear tire moves the least in a right hand turn.

In rear-wheel drive cars, the engine rotates the rear wheels and the front wheels rotate only because the car moves.

Most modern cars are now front wheel drive, so the front tires actually power the movement.

But the car can also move with the engine off, the transmission in neutral, or engine/transmission missing completely from the car.

Many older cars used rear wheel drive but even now some older cars are still front wheel drive.

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