How heavy is 200 pounds on Jupiter?

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asked Oct 24, 2024 in Science by Brigadune (1,250 points)
How heavy is 200 pounds on Jupiter?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 24, 2024 by bobswunder (3,000 points)
200 pounds on Jupiter would be around 468 lbs to 480 lbs because something would weigh 2.34 times heavier on Jupiter than it would on earth because of  surface gravity of the planet Jupiter is 2.4 times that of the surface gravity of earth.

Jupiter has a solid core which is made of a mix of rocky material and hydrogen which is partially dissolved, instead of a solid core of heavier elements like rock, metal and ice.

The core of Jupiter is also described as dilute or fuzzy.

Jupiter also has multiple layers which include clouds, hydrogen and helium and metallic hydrogen.

Below the layer of Jupiter is a sea of liquid metallic hydrogen which is around 25,000 miles deep and below the clouds of Jupiter is a layer of hydrogen and helium which changes from gas to liquid as the pressure and the depth increases and the layer is around 13,000 miles thick.

The clouds of Jupiter are also around 30 miles thick.

The reason Jupiter is so heavy is because Jupiter accumulated most of it's remaining mass after the formation of the Sun and Jupiter also grew more by consuming space rocks.

The planet Jupiter is also made up of helium and hydrogen and also has a dense core of heavy elements.

Jupiter formed and came to be around 4.6 billion years ago when the gravity pulled dust and gas together.

The planet Jupiter weighs as much as 1,898,000,000,000 trillion metric tons.

Jupiter is as much as 319 times more massive than the planet Earth and also 2.5 times more massive than all of the other planets in the solar system combined.

The planet Jupiter is also the largest planet in our solar system and is also made up of mostly helium and hydrogen.

Jupiter is known as a gas giant and the lower density of Jupiter also means that it is only a fifth as dense as earth is.

The surface gravity of the planet Jupiter is also 2.4 times that of the surface gravity of earth.

Because of the difference in surface gravity that means that if you weighed 100 lbs on planet earth then on the planet Jupiter you would weigh 240 lbs.

Some facts about Jupiter are.

Jupiter is the 5th planet away from The Sun.
The planet Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar System.
Jupiter has rings, but they're too faint to see very well.
Jupiter has 80 moons.
Jupiter is a gas giant.
A day on Jupiter is super fast.
A year on Jupiter is the same as 11.8 Earth years.

If the planet Jupiter had the same average density as Earth, then it would only have a radius about seven times greater than Earth's.

In reality, Jupiter's radius is over eleven times greater than that of Earth, thanks to its inflated gaseous atmosphere.

Jupiter is not a habitable planet to humans like earth is as Jupiter is a gas giant planet that is thousands of times larger than Earth, with the gravity to match, and it has no solid surface, just gas (mostly hydrogen and helium, but also other toxic gases like ammonia), but at enormous pressures the deeper into the atmosphere you go.

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