Have you ever noticed older kids in diapers in public?

+1 vote
asked Nov 26, 2018 in Grade Schooler by littlememe (250 points)
Have you ever noticed older kids in diapers in public?

In public have you ever noticed an older kid above toddler age wearing diapers in public?

I've noticed a 10 year old boy who didn't look disabled clearing wearing a Pampers Cruisers diaper because of the Sesame Street characters at the time.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 26, 2018 by layla (71,830 points)
I don't really take notice but yes I did see a boy around 12 wearing diapers because I saw it poke out of his pants.

I didn't say anything because I didn't want to embarrass him and he was probably wearing the diaper for incontinence reasons because I'm sure he was already potty trained by 12 years old.

There's likely lots of older kids in diapers that go around in public but they do a good job of hiding the diaper under their clothes that you'd likely not notice it.

I would suspect that the 10 year old boy wearing the Pampers Cruisers was just incontinent as well or sometimes wets his pants so he wears the diapers while out in public.

Pampers Cruisers are usually cheaper than purchasing regular youth diapers and they're easier to get as well so that may be the reason he was wearing the Pampers Cruisers at age 10.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2018 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
edited Dec 27, 2020 by Pamperslover

Not sure what diaper brand it was because I could only see the waistband of the diaper and I could see a diaper bulge in the kids pants.

When a kid is wearing a diaper under their pants especially sweat pants and the diaper gets full and starts to sag you can see an outline of the diaper and can tell it's clearly a diaper and not underwear the kid is wearing.

The kid I saw one time was last year at the county fair and he was around 6 or 7 years old and he was wearing sweat pants and I could clearly see the outline of the diaper in his sweat pants as I was standing in line at a food concession stand behind him.

He said he had to pee but his mom just said to him Just go in your diaper instead as we can't leave this food line.

He was somewhat embarrassed by what his mom said but if you look hard enough you could tell he was wearing an already wet diaper that needed changed soon.

I like to dress like this boy in the picture below and play outside and inside the house wearing just the diaper, shirt and socks. 

More pictures of this cute diaper boy at the link below.


It feels great and is a great outfit.

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