On average it takes between 2 months to 4 months for your body to adjust to Verzenio and in that time you may have side effects will often go away within that time.
Your body will need time to adjust to Verzenio which can take 2 to 4 months and in that time the side effects that are mild should go away.
Verzenio side effects can be very bad in some cases and less severe in other cases.
Verzenio is a safe medication although in some people it has the potential to cause interstitial lung disease also known as lung inflammation which can be life threatening or at least very serious.
Some side effects such as cough, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, hair loss, hair thinning and vomiting are less severe.
Verzenio can make you feel fatigued and nauseous and can cause vomiting and abdominal pain.
Diarrhea and hair loss and hair thinning is also possible when taking Verzenio.
People who should not take Verzenio are women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant should not take Verzenio because it can harm the developing fetus.
You can take Verzenio alone or along with hormone therapy.
Verzenio is sometimes prescribed alone although your doctor may also prescribe Verzenio in combination with either tamoxifen or aromataste inhibitor.
Verzenio therapy is for around 2 years alongside hormone therapy.
After 2 years you will stop taking Verzenio but will continue to need to take hormone therapy for around 10 years if you live that long or until you die or if the breast cancer goes away.
The life expectancy on Verzenio is between 9 months to 12 months and even as long as 46.7 months.
Taking Verzenio is worth it for most people as it can extend your life for over 3 years in some cases depending on how far advanced your cancer or breast cancer is.
For some people with more advanced cases of breast cancer it may not be worth it to take Verzenio.
When you take Verzenio most people live as much as 9 months to 46.7 months longer depending on how far advanced the breast cancer is.
Verzenio is a targeted treatment also known as a CDK4 & 6 inhibitor.
Verzenio is a medication that is prescribed to treat a type of breast cancer in adults.
The medication verzenio belongs to the class of medicines known as CDK 4/6 inhibitors which helps to reduce the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.
Verzenio is the brand name for the drug Abemaciclib.
Verzenio can also cause inflammation in your lungs which is also called interstitial lung disease.
The inflammation in the lungs can be serious or even life-threatening.
Tell your doctor if you have trouble breathing.
You may also have a cough and/or fever when taking Verzenio.
Verzenio can extend your life for between 9 months to 46.7 months.
Verzenio helps kill cancer cells that are left behind after surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to help prevent recurrence.
Verzenio along with hormone therapy has resulted in a 35% reduction in the risk of cancer returning compared with hormone therapy alone.
Women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant should not take Verzenio because it can harm the developing fetus.
If there is any chance you can become pregnant, you must use effective birth control while you're taking Verzenio and for at least three weeks after your last dose of verzenio.