How serious is a collapsed lung?

+1 vote
asked Nov 24, 2018 in Other- Health by Hermania (240 points)
How serious is a collapsed lung?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2018 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Collapsed lungs can be serious and not as serious and depends on how bad the collapsed lung is.

If you do have a collapsed lung or even think you may have a collapsed lung you need to seek medical attention so the doctor can determine how bad the collapsed lung is.

Signs and Symptoms of a collapsed lung include sharp, stabbing chest pain that worsens when breathing or with deep inhalation that then often radiates to the shoulder and or back; and a dry, hacking cough.

Collapsed lungs that are really bad can be fatal so you should always seek medical attention for the collapsed lung just to be safe.

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