Does Anyone Else Hate Thanksgiving?

+1 vote
asked Nov 22, 2018 in Holidays by Gabriellephillips (1,170 points)
Does Anyone Else Hate Thanksgiving?

I hate thanksgiving and my wife and I separated sadly as a result.

She used to invite everyone over to our house and the place would be filled with people.

I always told her to have the thanksgiving dinners elsewhere and not to have it at our house because I like to be alone and Watch Television in silence without a bunch of people crowded around me.

Personally I hate all Holidays and never go to family events for any of them and I just stay at home until the Holidays are over with.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 22, 2018 by layla (80,770 points)
I celebrate Thanksgiving at our home but we never invite a bunch of family over because our house is not big enough and I hate having a bunch of family over too even though I love most of the family members.

I have kids as well and they hated it when family came over so I stopped having family come over on Thanksgiving and the other holidays because they were always crowding out the kids and embarrassing them by mentioning how they haven't seen them since they were in diapers etc.

I also hate all the politics they want to talk about etc.

So after my kids getting embarrassed by family and me hating putting up with them etc I stopped having holiday family get together dinners etc at my house.

And we never go to other family members houses either.

We stay home have our own Thanksgiving dinner and enjoy time with just my kids and each other and that's it.

Not even Grandma and Grandpa comes over anymore as I want it that way.

We do the same on all holidays we always stay at home and never invite anyone else over.
0 votes
answered Nov 22, 2018 by huginsjia (460 points)
I hate Holidays as well and I live alone so I don't go anywhere on Holidays or have anyone over.

I love most of my family but I start to hate them when I have to be around them during holidays so we avoid each other during any Holidays including Thanksgiving.

It also makes me feel bad to be sitting there at a table gobbling down large amounts of food while thinking of those starving people and starving children in other third world countries and even just the Homeless people in America.

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