Why is nutmeg bad for dogs?

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asked Sep 18 in Dogs by Davelarson (960 points)
Why is nutmeg bad for dogs?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 18 by Alexxa12901 (11,490 points)
The reason nutmeg is bad for dogs is because nutmeg contains myristicin which is a narcotic which can cause hallucinations and even in people.

A toxic dose of nutmeg for dogs can be as little as 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg or 2 to 3 whole nutmegs.

Symptoms of nutmeg poisoning in dogs and pets tend to occur rapidly in pets and dogs that eat nutmeg.

The symptoms of nutmeg poisoning in dogs and pets are abdominal pain, seizures, dry mouth, high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, hallucinations, disorientation, decreased appetite, diarrhea and vomiting.

Fruits that dogs can't eat are tomatoes, grapes, raisins, cherries and Avocado.

The fruits that dogs can eat are mangoes, honeydew, cranberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, blueberries, blackberries, bananas and apples.

You can also give a dog scrambled eggs but too many scrambled eggs can give dogs diarrhea.

Eggs make for a healthy breakfast for dogs as well as humans and dogs can eat eggs either scrambled, poached, over easy or hard boiled.

However if your dog has diabetes or acute pancreatitis then they should not eat eggs including scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs are a good option for dogs with diarrhea as long as they don't too much scrambled eggs, because they eggs are easy to digest and packed full of protein.

Dogs that have been vomiting or eating poop may not be able to handle the high-fat content but scrambled egg is one of the best options out there.

Dogs can also eat tuna in moderation although too much tuna can be bad for your dog.

When feeding your dog tuna you should feed your dog tuna that is packed in fresh water and not the oil kind or salted water.

Also make sure the tuna you feed your dog has no extra salt added.

Tuna is a nutrient-rich fish, full of essential fatty acids and good amounts of protein, however, it can contain more harmful mercury than other fish, particularly when canned.

Too much mercury can cause mercury poisoning in dogs and make them sick or even die as a result.

Only feed your dog tuna in small amounts and not everyday.

Feeding them half a can of tuna a day every other day is okay for a small dog and for a larger dog they can eat a full can of tuna but you should not feed the dog tuna everyday to avoid any mercury poisoning.

You can also mix together some potatoes and carrots and other vegetables to make for a healthy tuna potato and vegetable dog food.

1 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil.
1 Idaho potato (Gold or Russet, for example), about 10-11 ounces, washed and finely diced (no need to peel it)
1 carrot, scrubbed and finely diced (no need to peel it)
½ cup water, divided use.½ cup frozen peas, thawed.
2 (4.5 ounce) cans no-salt-added tuna in water.

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