5 year old boy wearing thick plastic diapers and pacifier

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asked 5 days ago in Diaper Videos by 13yolddiaperboy (2,100 points)

5 year old boy wearing thick plastic diapers and pacifier.

Here are some pictures of a boy of around 5 or 6 years old wearing thick plastic backed diapers and sucking on a pacifier.

I think he's so cute and he looks like my brother a bit.

5 year old boy wearing plastic backed diapers and sucking on pacifier.5 year old boy wearing plastic backed diapers and sucking on pacifier.5 year old boy wearing plastic backed diapers and sucking on pacifier.5 year old boy wearing plastic backed diapers and sucking on pacifier.5 year old boy wearing plastic backed diapers and sucking on pacifier.5 year old boy wearing plastic backed diapers and sucking on pacifier.

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