How can I buy diapers as an 8 year old boy?

+1 vote
asked Aug 29, 2024 in ABDL by Michsumpton (220 points)

How can I buy diapers as an 8 year old boy?

I'm an 8 year old boy and I want to buy diapers but I'm embarrassed to go into the store and buy some diapers?

I have a Dollar General Store a few blocks from me and every time I go in there I want to get me some of the size 7 diapers but am too embarrassed about buying them.

Will the cashier care if I buy them and how can I buy them without being embarrassed?

I've always loved diapers and want to wear them like this kid below.

8 year old boy Tommy diaper boy pampers8 year old diaper boy tommy boy pampers

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2024 by 13yolddiaperboy (2,360 points)
I have a Dollar General about 3 blocks from my house and is where I buy my diapers.

When I would be embarrassed about buying diapers I would just say that I was sent by my mom to pick up diapers for my brother.

I've only had a few cashiers ask me questions but most times I just purchase the diapers and they don't say anything to me.

You could also bring a backpack to put the package of diapers in once you get out of the store.

If you're of average size the Gentle steps diapers size 7 should fit you just fine.

Gentle Steps size 7 diapers usually fit as old as 10 year old kids and I could fit in them perfectly even at age 13.

Pampers and Huggies and even Walmart Parents choice also make a size 8 diaper that you could fit into.

The Gentle steps diapers are very good and absorbent and I'm even wearing one right now and it fits perfectly and feels awesome.

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