How can I stop my toddler from digging in his diaper?

+1 vote
asked Jun 28, 2017 in Toddler/Preschooler by Disneylover (330 points)
How can I stop my toddler from digging in his diaper?
My toddler is always digging in his diaper and getting poop everywhere.

He even smears it on the wall sometimes if I don't catch him in time.

Why does he dig in diaper and remove poop and smear poop on the walls?

How can I stop him from digging in his diaper? It's gross.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 15, 2017 by irwn (850 points)
Your toddler is interested in what's in his diaper and he loves to touch the poop because he loves the feeling of it.

To stop diaper digging you need to prevent access to your toddlers diaper. A way to do that is by keeping pants on your toddler and using a belt to make it more difficult for your toddler to remove his pants.

There's also a child's pajama sleeper that you can get called the little keeper sleeper. The little keeper sleeper is designed to prevent little hands from removing the sleeper and prevent the toddler from removing his diaper.

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