Dog chews on lithium battery and starts house fire in Oklahoma

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asked Aug 9 in Other News Events by 12iroanges (34,870 points)
Dog chews on lithium battery and starts house fire in Oklahoma.

Dog chews on lithium battery and starts house fire in Oklahoma.

Below is a link to a video of what can happen if a dog chews on a lithium battery and not just making the dog sick but a dog chewing on a lithium battery can also start a fire very quickly.

1 Answer

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answered Aug 9 by Dantavius (5,680 points)
My dogs have chewed on lithium batteries but I was home and took it away from them before they started a fire.

I now make sure to keep any batteries like that up and away from my dogs and when I'm not home my dogs are not alone in the house but are instead in a fenced yard outside where they can get inside a large dog house to get out of the weather.

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